Proposed Syllabus by Dr.B.R.A.University,AgaraBachelors of Computer Application Semester – wise breakup of course

Semester- Vth
Course Code                        Course Name                                                           L     T     P     C                 
BCA-S301T            Introduction to DBMS                                                              3     0     0     3
BCA-S302T            Java Programming and Dynamic Webpage Design                 3     0     0     3
BCA-S303              Computer Network                                                                   3     1     0     4
BCA-S304              Numerical Methods                                                                   3     1     0     4
BCA-S305              Minor Project                                                                            0     1     2     2
BCA-S306              Viva-Voice on Summer Training                                              0     0     2     1
BCA-S301P            Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of                         0     0     3     2
BCA-S302P            Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of                         0     0     3     2
                                Java Programming & Dynamic Webpage Design

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C
BCA-S301T                            Introduction to DBMS                                                       3     0     0     3
Introduction: Characteristics of database approach, data models, DBMS architecture and data independence.
E-R Modeling: Entity types, Entity set, attribute and key, relationships, relation types, roles and structural constraints, weak entities, enhanced E-R and object modeling, Sub classes; Super classes, inheritance, specialization and generalization.
File Organization: Indexed sequential access files; implementation using B & B++ trees, hashing, hashing functions, collision resolution, extendible hashing, dynamic hashing approach implementation and performance.
Relational Data Model: Relational model concepts, relational constraints, relational alzebra
SQL: SQL queries, programming using SQL.
EER and ER to relational mapping: Data base design using EER to relational language.
Data Normalization: Functional Dependencies, Normal form up to 3rd normal form.
Concurrency Control: Transaction processing, locking techniques and associated, database recovery, security and authorization. Recovery Techniques, Database Security

Referential Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S.Sudarshan, “Database Systems Concepts”, 4thEdition, McGraw Hill, 1997.
2. Jim Melton, Alan Simon, “Understanding the new SQL: A complete Guide”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1993.
3. A.K.Majumdar, P. Bhattacharya, “Database Management Systems”, TMH, 1996.
4. Bipin Desai, “An Introduction to database systems”, Galgotia Publications, 1991.

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C
BCA-S302T                            Java Programming and Dynamic Webpage Design         3     0     0     3
Java Programming: Data types, control structured, arrays, strings, and vector, classes (inheritance, package, exception handling) multithreaded programming.
Java applets, AWT controls (Button, Labels, Combo box, list and other Listeners, menu bar) layout manager, string handling (only main functions)
Networking (datagram socket and TCP/IP based server socket) event handling, JDBC: Introduction, Drivers, Establishing Connection, Connection Pooling.
HTML: use of commenting, headers, text styling, images, formatting text with <FONT>, special characters, horizontal rules, line breaks, table, forms, image maps, <META> tags, <FRAMESET> tags, file formats including image formats.
Java Servlets: Introduction, HTTP Servlet Basics, The Servlet Lifecycle, Retrieving Information, Sending HTML Information, Session Tracking, Database Connectivity
Java Server Pages: Introducing Java Server Pages, JSP Overview, Setting Up the JSP Environment, Generating Dynamic Content, Using Custom Tag Libraries and the JSP Standard Tag Library, Processing Input and Output.

Referential Books:
1. Patrick Naughton and Herbertz Schildt, “Java-2 The Complete Reference” 199, TMH.
2. Shelley Powers, “Dynamic Web Publishing” 2nd Ed. Techmedia, 1998.
3. Ivor Horton, “Beginning Java-2” SPD Publication
4. Jason Hunter, “Java Servlet Programming” O’Reilly
5. Shelley Powers, “Dynamic Web Publishing” 2nd Ed. Techmedia, 1998
6. Hans Bergsten, “Java Server Pages”, 3 rdEd. O’reilly

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C
BCA-S303                              Computer Network                                                           3     1     0     4
Basic Concepts: Components of data communication, distributed processing, standards and organizations. Line configuration, topology, Transmission mode, and categories of networks.
OSI and TCP/IP Models: Layers and their functions, comparison of models.
Digital Transmission: Interfaces and Modems: DTE-DCE Interface, Modems, Cable modems.
Transmission Media: Guided and unguided, Attenuation, distortion, noise, throughput, propagation speed and time, wavelength, Shannon capacity, comparison of media
Telephony: Multiplexing, error detection and correction: Many to one, One to many, WDM, TDM, FDM, Circuit switching, packet switching and message switching.
Data link control protocols: Line discipline, flow control, error control, synchronous and asynchronous protocols, character and bit oriented protocols, Link access procedures.
Point to point controls: Transmission states, PPP layers, LCP, Authentication, NCP.
ISDN: Services, Historical outline, subscriber’s access, ISDN Layers and broadcast ISDN.
Devices: Repeaters, bridges, gateways, routers, The Network Layer; Design issues, Routing algorithms, Congestion control Algorithms, Quality of service, Internetworking, Network-Layer in the internet.
Transport and upper layers in OSI Model: Transport layer functions, connection management, functions of session layers, presentation layer and application layer.

Referential Books:
1. A.S.Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”; Pearson Education Asia, 4 thEd. 2003.
2. Behrouz A.Forouzan, “Data Communication and Networking”, 3rd Ed. Tata MCGraw Hill, 2004.
3. William stallings, “Data and computer communications”, Pearson education Asia, 7 thEd., 2002.

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C
BCA-S304                              Numerical Methods                                                           3     1     0     4
Roots of Equations: Bisections Method, False Position Method, Newton’s Raphson Method, Rate of convergence of Newton’s method.
Interpolation and Extrapolation : Finite Differences, The operator E, Newton’s Forward and Backward Differences, Newton’s dividend differences formulae, Lagrange’s Interpolation formula for unequal Intervals, Gauss’s Interpolation formula, Starling formula, Bessel’s formula, Laplace- Everett formula.
Numerical Differentiation Numerical Integration : Introduction, direct methods, maxima and minima of a tabulated function, General Quadratic formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s One third rule, Simpson’s three- eight rule.
Solution of Linear Equation: Gauss’s Elimination method and Gauss’s Siedel iterative method.
Solution of Differential Equations: Euler’s method, Picard’s method, Fourth-order Ranga – Kutta method.

Referential Books:
1. Scarbourogh, “Numerical Analysis”.
1. Gupta & Bose S.C. “Introduction to Numerical Analysis, “Academic Press, Kolkata, 3. S.S.Shashtri, “ Numerical Analysis”, PHI

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C
BCA-S305                              Minor Project                                                                     0     1     2     2
Evaluation will be based on Summer Training held after fourth semester and will be
Conducted by the college committee only.

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C
BCA-S306                              Viva-Voice on Summer Training                                       0     0     2     1

The viva will be conducted based on summer training of four weeks after the end of fourth
Semester and will be Conducted by the college committee only.

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C
BCA-S301P                            Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of                 0     0     3     2

Practical will be based on Paper Data Base Management System : on UINT-IV converging the concept from UNIT-II to UNIT-VI of Syllabus

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C
BCA-S302P                            Computer Laboratory and Practical Work of                  0     0     3     2
                                                Java Programming & Dynamic Webpage Design

Practical will be based on Paper Java Programming & Website Design : on Whole Syllabus

Proposed Syllabus by Dr.B.R.A.University,AgaraBachelors of Computer Application Semester – wise breakup of course

Semester- VIth
Course Code                        Course Name                                                         L     T     P     C                 
BCA-S307              Computer Network Security                                                  4     0     0     4
BCA-S308              Information System: Analysis Design &                                 3     1     0     4
BCA-S309              E-Commerce                                                                            4     0     0     4
BCA-S310              Knowledge Management                                                        3     1     0     4
BCA-S311              Major Project                                                                          0     3     6     5
BCA-S312              Presentation/Seminar based on Major Project                                         1

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C 
BCA-S307                              Computer Network Security                                             4     0     0     4
Introduction: Attack, Services and Mechanism, Model for Internetwork Security.
Cryptography: Notion of Plain Text, Encryption, Key, Cipher Text, Decryption and cryptanalysis; Public Key Encryption, digital Signatures and Authentication.
Network Security:
Authentication Application: Kerveros, X.509, Directory Authentication Service, Pretty Good Privacy, S/Mime.
IP security Architecture: Overview, Authentication header, Encapsulating Security Pay Load combining Security Associations, Key Management.
Web Security: Requirement, Secure Socket Layer, Transport Layer Security, and Secure Electronic Transactions.
Network Management Security: Overview of SNMP Architecutre-SMMPVI1 Communication Facility, SNMPV3.
System Security: Intruders, Viruses and Relate Threats, Firewall Design Principles.
Comprehensive examples using available software platforms/case tools, Configuration Management.

Referential Books:
1. W. Stallings, Networks Security Essentials: Application & Standards, Pearson Education, 2000.
2. W.Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practice, Pearson Education, 2000.

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C 
BCA-S308                              Information System: Analysis Design &
          Implementation                                                                  3     1     0     4
Overview of System Analysis and Design: Systems Development Life Cycle; concept and Models: requirements determination, logical design, physical design, test planning, implementation, planning and performance evaluation, communication, interviewing, presentation skills; group dynamics; risk and feasibility analysis; group based approaches, JAD, structures walkthroughs, and design and code reviews; prototyping; database design software quality metrics; application categories software package evaluation and acquisition.
Information Requirement Analysis: Process modeling with physical logical data flow diagrams, data modeling with logical entity relationship diagrams.
Developing a Proposal: Feasibility study and cost estimation.
System Design: Design of input and control, design of output and control, file design/database design, process, user interface design, prototyping; software constructors; documentation.
Application Development Methodologies and CASE tools: Information engineering structured system analysis and design, and object oriented methodologies for application development data modeling, process modeling, user interface design, and prototyping, use of computer aided software engineering (CASE) tools in the analysis design and implementation of information systems.
Design and Implementation on OO Platform: Object oriented analysis and design through object modeling technique, object modeling, dynamic modeling and functional object oriented design and object oriented programming systems for implementation, object oriented data bases.
Managerial issues in Software Projects: Introduction to software markets; planning of software projects, size and cost estimates; project scheduling; measurement of software quality and productivity, ISO and capability maturity models for organizational growth.

Referential Books:
1. I.T.Haryszkiewycz, Introduction of System Analysis and Design, Pearson Education, (PHI) 1998.
2. V.Rajaraman, Analysis and Design of Information System, Pearson Education, 1991.
3. J.A.Senn, “Analysis and Design of Information Systems”
1. J.K.Whiten., L.D.Bentley, V.M.Beslow, “System Analysis and Design Methods”, (Galgotia Publications Pvt.Ltd.) 1994

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C 
BCA-S309                              E-Commerce                                                                       4     0     0     4
Introduction to E-Commerce: The Scope of Electronic Commerce, Definition of Electronic Commerce, Electronic E-commerce and the Trade Cycle, Electronic Markets, Electronic Data Interchange, Internet Commerce, E-Commerce in Perspective.
Business Strategy in an Electronic Age: Supply Chains, Porter’s Value Chain Model, Inter Organizational Value Chains, Competitive Strategy, Porter’s Model, First Mover Advantage Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Competitive Advantage using E-Commerce, Business Strategy, Introduction to Business Strategy, Strategic Implications of IT, Technology, Business Environment, Business Capability, Exiting Business Strategy, Strategy Formulation & Implementation Planning, E-Commerce Implementation, E-Commerce Evaluation.
Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce: Characteristics of B2B EC, Models of B2B Ec, Procurement Management Using the Buyer’s Internal Marketplace, Just in Time Delivery, Other B2B Models, Auctions and Services from Traditional to Internet Based EDI, Intergration with Back-end Information System, The Role of Software Agents for B2B EC, Electronic marketing in B2B, Solutions of B2B EC, Managerial Issues, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), EDI: The Nuts and Bolts, EDI & Business.
Internet and Extranet : Automotive Network Exchange, The Largest Extranet, Architecture of the Internet, Intranet and Extranet, Intranet software, Applications of Intranets, Intranet Application Case Studies, Considerations in Intranet Deployment, The Extranets, The structures of Extranets, Extranet products & services, Applications of Extranets, Business Models of Extranet Applications, Managerial Issues.
Electronic Payment Systems : Is SET a failure, Electronic Payments & Protocols, Security Schemes in Electronic payment systems, Electronic Credit card system on the Internet, Electronic Fund transfer and Debit cards on the Internet, Stored – value Cards and E- Cash, Electronic Check Systems, Prospect of Electronic Payment Systems, Managerial Issues.
Public Policy: From Legal Issues to Privacy : EC- Related Legal Incidents, Legal Incidents, Ethical & Other Public Policy Issues, Protecting Privacy, Protecting Intellectual Property, Free speech, Internet Indecency & Censorship, Taxation & Encryption Policies, Other Legal Issues: Contracts, Gambling & More, Consumer & Seller Protection In EC.
Infrastructure For EC : It takes more than Technology, A Network Of Networks, Internet Protocols, Web- Based client/ Server, Internet Security, selling on the web, Chatting on the Web, Multimedia delivery, Analyzing Web Visits, Managerial Issues.

Referential Books:
1. David Whiteley, “ E-Commerce”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000
2. Eframi Turban, Jae Lee, David King, K. Michale Chung, “Electronic Commerce”, Pearson Education, 2000

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                   L     T     P     C 
BCA-S310                              Knowledge Management                                                   3     1     0     4
Business Intelligence and Business Decisions: Modeling Decision Process; Decision support systems; Group decision support and Groupware Technologies.
Executive Information and support Systems: Business Expert System and AI, OLTO & OLAP; Data Warehousing; Data Marts, Data Warehouse architecture; Tools for data warehousing.
Multi- Dimensional analysis: Data mining and knowledge discovery; Data mining and Techniques; Data mining of Advance Databases.
Knowledge Management Systems: Concept and Structure KM systems, techniques of knowledge management appreciation & limitation.

Referential Books:
1. Decision support system, EIS, 2000
2. W.H.Inmon, “Building Data Warehousing”, Willey, 1998.
3. Han, Jiawei, Kamber, Michelinal, “ Data Mining Concepts & Techniques”, Harcourt India, 2001

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                    L     T     P     C 
BCA-S311                              Major Project                                                                      0     3     6     5

Evaluation will be based on held after fourth semester and will be
Conducted by the college committee only.

Course Code                        Course Name                                                                  L     T     P     C 
BCA-S312                              Presentation/Seminar based on Major Project                                    1

Presentation/Seminar based on Major Project will be evaluated by external examiner only.

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